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bagaimana cara menambahkan pending order

Discussion in 'Belajar MQL dari Nol' started by habibi94, 09 Jun 2019.

  1. habibi94

    habibi94 New Member

    Ref Point
    saya punya ea, tentunya ea saya sendiri...

    cara kerja ea saat ini :

    ea menggunakan acuan fibo, maka ea akan membuat pending order buy stop dan sell stop, sesuai setting jam market. jika pending sell stop aktif maka P.O (pending order) buy stop otomatis di hapus otomatis (dan sebaliknya),

    saya ingin menambahkan pending order sell limit (di area level fibo) ketika P.O sell stop aktif dan sebalik nya.

    lalu sell limit lot bisa di atur lot. selain itu take profit menggunakan close dalam akumulasi profit, dan stop loss juga otomotis close all.

    jadi seperti ini (jika sell / buy limit aktif)

    TakeProfit close all by $ : 12 usd (contoh)
    StopLoss close all by $ : 12 usd (contoh)

    ini kode ea nya..


    //| EA-Ahmad Habibi.mq4 |
    //| Ahmad Habibi |
    //| Ahmad Habibi |
    #property copyright "Ahmad Habibi"
    #property link "Ahmad Habibi"
    #property version "1.00"
    #property strict
    //| Expert initialization function |

    datetime Expired = D'30.12.9018'; // Ganti tanggal expired disini (Hari-Bulan-Tahun)

    string NamaEA="EA FIBO X";
    extern string Owner1 = "===== Copyright ©2018 by Ahmad Habibi =====";//=====================================
    input double Lots1 = 0.01; // Lots Level 1
    input double Lots2 = 0.02; // Lots Level 2
    input double Lots3 = 0.03; // Lots Level 3
    input double Lots4 = 0.04; // Lots Level 4
    input double Lots5 = 0.05; // Lots Level 5
    extern string Ct_ = "-----< Level Fibo >-----"; //=====================================
    input double Bs = 127.2; // Buy Stop
    input double TPb = 200; // TP Buy
    input double SLb = 0; // SL Buy
    input double Ss = -27.2; // Sell Stop
    input double TPs = -100; // TP Sell
    input double SLs = 100; // SL Sell
    extern string Box_ = "-----< Setting Fibo >-----";//=====================================
    extern int Start = 9; // Start candle
    extern int end = 10; // End candle
    extern int MinBox = 1; // Min Range HiLo (Pip)
    extern int MAxBox = 60; // Max Range HiLo(Pip)
    extern string Other_ = "-----< Other >-----"; //=====================================
    extern int Magic = 123; // MagicNumber
    input string comment = "EA FIBO X"; // Comment
    input bool Display = true; // Display

    color warnabox = clrGray;//Warna Box
    int Slippage = 10; // Max Slippage
  2. Fungraphic

    Fungraphic Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Hi, where's this EA fibobox?

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