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Discussion in 'Expert Advisor atau Robot Forex' started by Atsnakaoli, 06 Sep 2024 at 00:13.

  1. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    PLEASE RUN AND GET the instructions on the site

    put news filter ,,,
    i'm too lazy to do it
    it's just the latest update of a very well known ea that works well !!
    be careful it's 485k bits so it could be dangerous for your mental health you who love expert at most 30k bit Ea :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    where do I put it ??at what temperature do I have to heat it ??is it also ok in the microwave ??
    please a set ,,,,,,, I beg you a set ,with tomato ketchup thanks !!!

    attention danger of death martingale buuuuuummmmhhh

    It absolutely changes the tp and interval between orders and the multiplier space

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    Last edited: 06 Sep 2024 at 00:42
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. semledot

    semledot Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    Thats old stuff 1year ago news filter doesnt work well, not bad but not recommended for long term.
    Do you have GoldReaper or something else?
  3. Atsnakaoli

    Atsnakaoli Member Credit Hunter

    Ref Point
    you say that more than 500 people who have tested it and tried it and then paid 180$ are more stupid than you ??? and have fallen for a scam haahaahahaah
    :rofl: and I have to believe that you are more intelligent than 500 people review ??? UUUUUUUuhaaaaaooooo :rofl:
    yes Advanced Gold it's a shitty martingale like all are the same,, hard to find innovative things
    certainly I don't put here the ea with what job because people like you come to shoot shit on it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D it's aaaalll shittt hahahaahah
    you haven't even put a screenshot to demonstrate what you say,or BT or demo test , hahaah you're a blah blah blha prot prot :rofl::rofl:
    yes of course I have gold reaper but I don't want to put here the latest version what's the point ??' can't you lose ?? there are a thousand ea better than gold reaper that makes very small tp on a channel that takes years to take the pending ,,it's a ridiculous ea,, so we understood who you are hahaahaha ridiculous ,,, you can't even say which of the 20 strategies there are, which one do you like the most:party::party::party:
    • Like Like x 1

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